The opportunity presented itself this week when it was birthday time for three special kids. I was trying to decide how to decorate a cake for a 2nd grade girl, 2nd grade boy, and 8th grade girl - not the most cohesive group. Then it occured to me: CANDY!!! Who doesn't like candy?! So I decided to make a candy-covered rainbow cake. Here's what I did:
I feel a little guilty for always using box cake mixes, but not guilty enough to stop using them.
Preheat your oven to 350, or whatever the particular cake mix you chose says. Butter and flour your pan - or just spray it:
Dump the mixes, eggs, water, and butter into a big mixing bowl, and blend together with the hand mixer your mom got you for Christmas:
If the noise of the mixer interests your cat, throw her a cupcake paper to keep her distracted and out of the kitchen. Watch her play with it happily until you try to take a picture of her. Watch her walk away as if she was never interested in the cupcake paper in the first place.
I'm not going to say that you should lick these...
but I'm not going to say that you shouldn't.
Figure out how many colors you are going to use. I am using six: red, orange, yellow, green, blue purple. Then, divide your batter into that many bowls. On the Omnomicon she measured out the batter to make sure they all were equal, but I just estimated. Also, I am a poor college student. Most of my dishes are from Goodwill. So, if you have pretty bowls that are all the same size and match each other, good for you. Please don't judge my bowls.
I made my cake in a rectangle pan, and decided it would be to hard to spread out each color perfectly so that every slice had every color in it. So, I just blooped spoonfuls of batter into the pan randomly on top of one another:
I think this is what it looks like when the cartoon bluebirds in Disney Princess Land poop.
You don't want to even out the batter by spreading it, because that will mix the colors together. Instead, just pick up the pan a few inches from your counter and drop it. Do this three times. The top kind of flattened out for me after that.
Pop this baby in the oven!
Set your timer for the time listed on the back of your cake mix box, and do your dishes.
Look! The cake is done! Take her out of the oven!
The cake looks kind of weird on top because it is brown from the oven, but a quick peek at the bits left in the bottom of the pan shows...
Crumb coat of frosting:
I just love candy.
I didn't have room to write all three kids' names on the cake, so I made little flags out of DumDums...
Coordinating cupcakes for their classmates:
is there no pix of the cake cut into so we can see its awesome swirly colors?